We must regulate the salt intake in children because recent study says that it will lead to high blood pressure in adult life. tiro tirocinium titanomachy titaniferous tiromancy tisicky tisane titian tittup titanism titivate titrimetry titubate tmesis titulus tmema toadstone tocodynamometer tobaccophile tocology tocsin tocophobia tod toft tombac toison tolypeutine tolsester tolutation togated toile tolerationism tombic toman tomentose tomiparous tombola tomium tomography tomomania tomograph tonant tonga tonish tony tonitrophobia tondo tonetic tonetics tonitruous tonlet tonitruone theriolatry theriodic theriogenology thereinto thereoid thereon therewith therewithal theriac thermantidote thermaesthesia thermic theriacal therianthropic theriatrics theriomorphosis theriomorph therm thremmatology thrasonic threnetic thooid thoughtography thoracoscope threnodic threnody threpsology thrioboly threptic thro throat-pit thrombus thronal thropple throstle throttlebottom theophobia theophile theophorous theophagy theophany theophilanthropism theotechny theotokos therblig theopneustic theopsychism theorbo theosophy thereology theotherapy thigmotropism thionic thirdborough tholobate tholoid tholus thnetopsychism thlipsis thole thewe thiasus thigmotaxis thirdendeal thither thixotropy theogonic theolepsy theologaster theonomy theopathy theopantism theomastix theometry theomicrist theocrasy theocrasy theodicy theologoumenon theomancy theomania thelytoky theocracy theocrasy theocracy theodidact theogamy thermopile thermoplagia thermoscope thermometrograph thermonous thermophilous thermogenesis thermograph thermokinematics thesmothete thetic theurgy thermotropism thermotaxis theroid thersitical therology thesial thermolabile thermology thermolysis torpedinous torose torpor torpid torpefy torpescence torquated